Minggu, 05 Januari 2014


Aku tidak pernah respek pada pelaku perselingkuhan. Apapun alasannya. Apapun jenis kelaminmu.

Suami selingkuh, gara-gara istrinya jorok, suka ngupil, gendut, dan bau?
Please, beritahulah istrimu baik-baik. Seorang perempuan pasti tersengat ketika suaminya memberitahu hal semacam itu. Jika dia perempuan normal, pasti dia berbenah diri.
Masalahnya, maukah kamu memberitahukan hal itu pada istrimu?
Atau, kamu memilih untuk berdiam diri sambil lirik kanan kiri melihat perempuan lain yang lebih asoy?

Istri selingkuh, gara-gara suaminya "lurus", alim, dan nggak fun.
Please, bukankah itu harapan semua perempuan di dunia ini? Punya suami yang "baik-baik"?
IMHO, hanya perempuan gila yang pengen punya suami nggak bener.
Selingkuh dengan alasan ada pria lain di luaran sana yang lebih care, kebapakan, dan macho?
Euleuh euleuh ... tunggu aja sepuluh tahun lagi (maksimal). Pria kucing garong yang mau menyelingkuhi istri orang, pasti juga doyan untuk terus berselingkuh. So, kapan endingnya? Nunggu dipatok?

Jika kamu pelaku perselingkuhan, maka maafkan aku. Nilaimu di mataku menjadi 100 poin lebih rendah, alias kembali ke zero. Nothing. Kamu tiada nilainya lagi di mataku.

Meski kamu tetanggaku, atau temanku, atau sahabatku, atau saudaraku, atau keluargaku, tetap saja tak ada nilai kehormatanmu di mataku.

We still be friend, of course.
We still be neighbors, of course.
We still be family, of course.
I can not deny what have been built between us.
But, do not ask me to respect you.

I am an old fashioned woman. I can not understand with "modern life" who allow us to have a "free" life. For me, once you commit to someone, you have to fulfill your commitments, no matter what.

Whatever your religion is, please respect your spouse. I don't think you have to be "alim" to know this thing.

You love your kids by respecting your spouse, right? You can not say "Oh I love my kids" but at the same time you throw so many knives to your spouse.

This is an emotional post? Yup.
I write this because I really hate cheaters. With their fake sweet face, they create stories of how miserable their life is. Oh, drama queen and drama king, go to hell (^^^)

Every couple has their own problems and burdens. Learn how to be thankful!

Do you realize that your husband/wife still be able to walk, speak, and other things that normal people do?
Do you know somewhere out there, many person have a sick husband/wife and they dedicate their life to his/her husband/wife?

Ah, why should I bother this?
This is your life, your choice.
I have my own life, with my wonderful husband and kids.

Ciao ;)