Minggu, 05 April 2015

Party Pooper

Hmm, party pooper.
What kind of monster is it?

According to Urban Dictionary, party pooper is "A person who ruins a party by either stopping the fun or not participating in a certain activity".

Are you a party pooper?
"Ah, I don't like party. How can I be a party pooper if I never attended any party?"

Don't get wrong.
Party poopers don't need to attend a real party. They can be everywhere. And now, the trend is, on social media.
Let's say, facebook.

I really hope you are not one of  them. Of course, you are not. You are my friends, and as long as I know I don't have party pooper friends.

But I see some party poopers around my friend's posts. Usually, they ruin my friend's happiness by commenting something against the post.

For example:
A mother posted some photos showing her daughter's fashion designs. Her daughter is still 10 or eleven, so I think she's amazing (considering I'm 40 and I can not do any fashion design haha).
Then, a party pooper showed up and commented that the designs are too bla bla, don't reflect Islamic style bla bla, and you (the mother) should teach your daughter to designs something more bla bla bla.

The mother's happiness ruin in a second.

Another case.
A newbie writer posted that she challenged herself in writing. One day one story. And then she could do that!
She was really happy and shared her happiness.
Then, a party pooper (like jelangkung, which is datang tak diundang pulang tak diantar) showed up.
She commented why you're so happy about writing? How about your holy book? Why don't you challenge yourself in reading your holy book by heart, one page per day?

The newbie writer's happiness ruin in a second.

I don't know why these kind of people exist.
But let's do positive thinking about them. Maybe they want to share positive things to others. Maybe they think it's good to give advice so others can walk on the right tracks.

Then I remember what Imam Syafi'i said, "Sesiapa yang menasihatimu secara sembunyi-sembunyi, maka ia benar-benar menasihatimu. sesiapa yang menasihatimu di khalayak ramai, ia sebenarnya sedang menghina kamu."

Sigh ... I hope I will never have party pooper in my friend lists. Hihihi.

How about you? Do you have one?  If you have one, tell her/him directly that you don't like what she/he did to you.

9 komentar:

  1. Thanks for share mbak! Hajar bleh!

    1. Hihihi, hajaaar nekaaad. Makasih ya udah mampir, iki blog isine ga penteng ga penteng. Diary curcol seorang wanita *halah*

  2. akeeehhh mbak sing koyok ngono iku...opo meneh ning sosmed... bahkan uwong sing ketoke alusan jebule nek komen nyengkring ki yo akeh. nggarai aq sing njipuk genre antagonis kehilangan lahan hahahhaa.... trus aq kon opo ning sosmed nek semua peran wes dijupuk :D *balangi lethong

    1. Hahahaha, mereka merebut lahan antagonismu ya Niek. Kasian dikau, piye nek ganti peran jadi triple antagonis wae?

    2. Iya nih rempong mbakyu....kaum baik2 sudah mulai merusuh ke lahanku... lantas golongan seperti aku ini harus perluasan usaha kemana niiiyy... :D :D

  3. mbak Dian, banyak yang kayak gitu. Pernah ngalamin juga. :)

  4. Kesimpulannya, a party poopers same as jaelangkung *gak ono sing ngundang teko dewe, wkwkwkkk

    1. Iya, nggak pernah gepok senggol, ga pernah nyapa, tau2 komen mak clekit. Komen mak clekit kalo datang dari teman dekat/yg sering interaksi, still OK. Kalo dari jelangkung ya piye rasane ya


Happy blogwalking, my dear friends ^^